
NMC allows FMG students to complete internships in India

The National Medical Council (NMC)  has allowed foreign medical students (FMG) to complete their internship in India along with detailed guidelines for the same.

Taking cognizance of the unforeseen situations worldwide, the National Medical Commission has now allowed Foreign Medical Graduates(FMGs) with incomplete internships because of 'compelling situations' such as war and Covid-19 to apply for internships in India if they are able to clear the Foreign Medical Graduates Examination(FMGE). The National Medical Commission has also released some guidelines for the registration of Foreign Medical Graduates.


FMG are allowed to apply for internships in India

"In addition to the above, it has further been observed that there are also some Foreign Medical Graduates with incomplete internship due to such compelling situation which is beyond their control, such as Pandemic COVID-19 and war, etc," read official notification by the FMG.

It stated further, "Considering the agony & stress faced by these foreign medical graduates, their application to complete the remaining part of an internship in India is considered eligible.:

"Accordingly, the same may be processed by State Medical Councils provided that the candidates must have cleared FMGE before applying for completion of internship in India," added the notification.

Guidelines for the registration of FMG for internship

Considering all relevant regulations and circumstances of the NMC, the commission has released a set of guidelines for the registration of FMGs by the State Medical Councils as listed.

  • The medical degree or qualification of the FMG should be registrable for practicing medicine in the country from which it is obtained and should be equal to the license to practice medicine given to a citizen of that country.
  • If completed in a foreign institute, documentary evidence proving successful completion of physical training or internship during the medical qualification is equal to MBBS.
  • A copy of passport with VISA details of immigration.
  • The candidates seeking registration in India must clear the FMGE conducted by the National Board of Examination(NBE).
  • State Medical Councils can register the candidates fulfilling the above criteria for 12 months or a balance period, depending on the case.
  • The internship will be permitted in medical college hospitals or hospitals attached to medical colleges, permitted by the commission.
  • The maximum quota for internship distribution to FMGs in a medical college should be limited to an additional 7.5 percent of the total allowed seats.
  • State Medical Councils need to procure an undertaking from the medical college that no amount/fee is charged by the medical college to the FMGs for permitting them to do their internship.
  • FMGs shall be provided with a stipend and other benefits comparable to Indian medical graduates training in government medical colleges, as determined by the relevant authorities applicable to the institution/university or state.
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